Secure way to open an external link in a new tab or window
In order to open a link from your website, we need to use the anchor tag <a>
in HTML.
Inside the anchor tag, the URL is added to the href parameter.
<a href="" >Google</a>
Now to open the link in a separate tab, we add target=”_blank” but this makes the website vulnerable to phishing attacks.
<a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>
How to prevent phishing attacks?
Opening an external link in a new tab makes your website vulnerable. The site you link can gain access to the window containing your website and can change it to display a different webpage. This is called phishing. In order to make your website secure from tabnabbing, we add rel=”noopener noreferrer”
<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Google</a>
Happy Coding!