Simplest way to add a leading zero to a number in Javascript

Hardique Dasore
1 min readAug 27, 2021


The simplest way to pad a number with leading zero is to use padStart() method provides by Javascript. We can use this for numbers less than 10.


string.padStart(targetLength, padString)


targetLength: length of the final string

padstring: string you want to pad/add to given number.


const number = 9;console.log(number.toString().padStart(2, '0'))//Output: 09

Alternatively use can also use:

  1. slice() method

In this method, we add a zero to the number and slice to extract 2 digit value of the result. We use negative value to select from end of the string.

const number = 9;console.log(("0" + number).slice(-2))//Output: 09

2. if check for numbers less than 10

const number = 9;if(number< 10){
console.log("0" + number);
//Output: 09

Use case: When you want to display timer in your web application. You need to pad leading zero to minutes and seconds less than 10.



Hardique Dasore
Hardique Dasore

Written by Hardique Dasore

Hardique is a dynamic Frontend/UI Developer with 4 years of experience creating streamlined and and intuitive controls through programming.

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