Why you should switch to pNpM?
Aug 25, 2022
If you are a developer, you know the hardships one faces while installing all the dependencies for a project and the amount of time it takes.
Worry not, pNpM is here with a solution.
What is pNpM?
Performant NPM is a fast, disk space efficient package manager.
You can install pnpm in your system using:npm install -g pnpm
You can use all the npm commands by using pnpm equivalent.
Example: pnpm i
pnpm is better than yarn and npm
- - It is 3x faster and more efficient than npm and yarn
- - pnpm has better disk space efficiency.
- - It creates non-flat node_modules directly which allows you to share dependencies of the same versions across projects.
- - It is more secure as compared to yarn and npm